© Tourist-Information Fürth

Town hall

Short facts

  • Fürth

The 52-metre high tower, the landmark of the city, is inspired by the Plazzo Vecchio in Florence.

The architects consciously based the external facade on the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence which served as the seat of Florentine government in the late middle ages. During special events, Fürth quite literally “sees the light” when more than 2,000 small lamps light up the town hall and its 52-metre tower.

Although Fürth was granted its town charter in 1818 allowing the municipality to govern its own affairs, the mayor and municipal councils initially met in the escort house or the schoolhouse on Kirchenplatz. In 1840, work began on the town hall which was to last 10 years and cost almost 200,000 guilder. When completed, the building finally represented the progressive ideas of the Renaissance. The architects consciously based the external facade on the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.

The industrial town grew so quickly that an extension had to be added  just 50 years later. 

Besides exuding prestige, the building also had to perform a highly practical role since the inhabitants of Fürth used it as an early warning system. Watchmen surveyed the city day and night, sounding the alarm bell if they saw a fire in any part of the city. Nowadays sirens on fire engines have taken over this role. Instead, the bells chime out the Led Zeppelin song “Stairway to Heaven” at noon every day when Fürth radiates a special charm.

Königstraße 88

90762 Fürth


Phone: 0911 9740


Website: www.fuerth.de

General information

  • Bad Weather Offer
  • Suitable for any weather
  • for Groups
  • for Class
  • for individual guests
  • Suitable for the Elderly
Foreign Language
  • German
Other Furnishing/Equipment
  • Toilet

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