© Vitaplan Thermalbad GmbH & Co. KG


Short facts

  • Fürth

Enjoyment and the spa experience are the focus of the Fürth leisure pool and thermal spa complex.

The beneficial effect of the spa waters is good for body and soul. Visitors will be captivated by the Mediterranean flair and spacious rest areas that invite you to enjoy some well-earned time out.

The fun pool offers adventures for adults and children alike.

Scherbsgraben 15

90766 Fürth


Phone: +49 911 / 72 30 540

Fax: +49 911 / 72 30 54 29


Website: www.fuerthermare.de

General information

  • Bad Weather Offer
  • Suitable for any weather
  • for Groups
  • for families
  • for individual guests
  • Suitable for the Elderly
  • for Children of all Ages
Payment Options
  • Cash
  • Debit Card
Other Furnishing/Equipment
  • Children Entertainment Corner (indoors)
  • Toilet
  • Baby Change
Price info


normal rate (valid on weekends, public holidays and during school holidays in Bavaria)

2 hours for adults 11,50 Euro and for children 9 Euro

4 hours for adults 13,50 Euro and for children 11 Euro

day ticket for adults 18 Euro and for children 16 Euro

saver rate (valid Monday to Friday - not valid on public holidays and during school holidays in Bavaria)

2 hours for adults 10 Euro and for children 8 Euro

4 hours for adults 12 Euro and for children 10 Euro

day ticket for adults 16 Euro and for children 14 Euro


sauna area (waterscape included):

normal rate (valid on weekends, public holidays and during school holidays in Bavaria)

4 hours for adults 22 Euro and for children 18 Euro

day ticket for adults 26,50 Euro and for children 20 Euro

saver rate (valid Monday to Friday - not valid on public holidays and during school holidays in Bavaria)

early tariff*: for adults 19 Euro and for children 15 Euro

late tariff**: for adults 21 Euro and for children 17 Euro

night tariff***: for adults 18 Euro and for children 15 Euro

*Check Out until 5 p.m.

** Check Out after 5p.m.

*** Check In after 9 p.m./CheckOut until 11 p.m.


Children count up to the age of 15


state: march 2020


ab Fürth Hauptbahnhof: Bus 172 (Richtung Fürth Burgfarrnbach) bis Fürth Scherbsgrabenbäder

Stand: Dezember 2018


More info

Haben Sie schon einmal die lange Saunanacht besucht? Oder Sie suchen noch einen romantische Ausflug für Ihre/n Partner/In? Dann schauen Sie doch mal bei den zahlreichen Veranstaltungen im FürtherMare vorbei. Von klein bis groß, von Pärchen bis Freundeskreis, hier findet jede Person die passende Veranstaltung für sich.

Next steps

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